Saturday, July 13, 2013

Grandma's Funeral

When we received the phone call from Raymond telling us that Grandma Nawrocki had passed away, Lauren took it pretty well, so I started to think about the outfit she will wear to the funeral. The wake was in two days, with only one viewing night. I was unable to attend, so I dropped Lauren and her fiance off for the funeral at Raymond's and I went to work.  Raymond said the plan was to go to a restaurant after the funeral and he would be dropping Lauren and Philip off at Phillip's apartment  so I wouldn't have to worry about  them.  I felt it better for Lauren to just go to the funeral and not the wake the night before  because as she put it "I don't want to look at dead people."

I called Raymond at around 3:00 to see how the day was going. He seemed very agitated.  "I just dropped them off at the diner by Philips apartment !" he yelled. "What's the matter?" I asked. "What's the matter? What's the matter?" he was yelling. I looked around my office to see if anyone could hear him, but of course they couldn't. I calmly asked "what happened? Why did you drop them off? I thought you were all going to a restaurant?" "Ma, ma" he repeated, " you would not believe what my day was like."  "First, we're in church and I'm looking around and a few people had some tears in their eyes and all of a sudden Lauren starts crying; I mean really crying!! then  the crying turned into wailing! I mean she was wailing mom! I didn't know how to stop her!" he's yelling. The mass finally ended and they drove on to the cemetery.  Raymond explained they didn't stop to eat anything and they had to wait at the cemetery for  quite some time.  Philip did not eat breakfast and  Lauren is always hungry to begin with. Raymond,  is not accustomed to being the one handling her; I am. " Everyone was given the obligatory carnation to place on the casket for their final farewell to Mrs. Nawrocki,"  Raymond explained.  Raymond turned to Lauren and Philip and told them he was taking them to the diner so they could get something to eat. Raymond was saying to me on the phone" Maa, exaggerated,  her and Philip  ran to the casket and threw  the carnations on the casket and started running from the cemetery and yelling at everyone around them "bye"... "bye"... and quickly ran to Raymond's car as he and Tricia stood with their mouths open watching them get into the car." "I am never taking her to another funeral" he promised. I on the other hand, I was laughing so hard I was crying. 

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