Sunday, October 12, 2014

Surviving Schizophrenia

"We do not understand why they say what they say and do what they do." Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, M.D.

Dr. Torrey describes the problem with Schizophrenia to be a lack of sympathy. How can people sympathize with a person who is possessed by unknown and unseen forces?

He explains "With sympathy, Schizophrenia is a personal tragedy. Without sympathy, it becomes a family calamity; for there is nothing to knit people together, no balm for the wounds. Understanding  Schizophrenia also helps demystify the disease and brings it from the realm of the occult to the daylight of reason.  As we come to understand it the face of madness slowly changes before us. From one of terror to one of sadness. For the sufferer, this is a significant change."